Americans live in
a certain and stable world. The United
States has elections every four years, no more, no less. The French have even more time to think, six
years. Israel is a dynamic country. There is an election whenever the situation
requires, generally around every two years.
That does not mean that the actual government changes. In most cases, the Prime Minister remains the
same but the actual coalition is adjusted a bit left or bit right, whatever
that means. The most curious aspect of
the Israeli politics is that the best way of staying in power is to say “no”.
To demonstrate,
the prime ministers with the most years in power in the history of Israel are
Ben Gurion, Benjamin Netanyahu and Yitzhak Shamir. David Ben Gurion, who ran the country for 14
years total, is the exception to the rule because he had two advantages. First,
he did not have the luxury of doing nothing because the country had just been
born. Second, his Mapai party had a
majority by itself and didn’t have to put together a coalition.
The current
Prime Minister, Bibi as he is known, has held the position for nine years. In terms of Israeli’s territorial security or
chances for peace, basically nothing has changed in that period, for better or
for worse. There admittedly have a few
short conflicts, but more in reaction than as a long term strategy. The trading off of concessions to the
Palestinians and those who want a greater present on the other side of the
green line (hard to say that neutrally) has equally frustrated the Israeli left
and right. Combined with a sane but not
proactive economic policy, Bibi has managed to survive nine years in the hot
seat by avoiding extreme action in any direction.
Yitzhak Shamir,
a prime minister for seven years, was less diplomatic than Bibi, but much more
forceful in saying “No”. He was also
consistent, refusing any all suggestion for action. Ask any Israeli what Shamir
actually did. The answer probably will
be silence. Curiously enough, he was
rather well liked, a bit like Eisenhower, who was elected to do nothing and did
not disappoint.
The power of
this “nothingness” is not a product of the ideal situation in Israel. Israelis, who love to complain anyway, can
produce a long list of problems, including the price of housing and taxes, to
name just a few. Instead, in my opinion,
it is the result of living in an area of the world filled with peril. Any action, however well-intended, may in
fact lead to the destruction of the country.
So the country is split between the pessimists, who believe that the
devil you know is better than the devil you don’t, and the half-pessimists, who
look for signs that something can be changed and hope not to be
disappointed. If this split seems to
lack any sense of ideology, I would tend to believe that level of optimism is a
more relevant differential between the Israeli left and right. In such a world, the famous dilemma from Waiting
for Godot seems so relevant for many Israeli prime ministers: Should we go
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