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[Fiddler on the roof*] |
Tradition is the last justification for continuing long-established
business practices long after they are no longer relevant. As an example, translation
prices are generally quoted in price per word, just as Dickens and Melville
were paid for publishing chapters of their books in newspapers two centuries
ago. Yet, although writing by pen and typewriters have essentially become curiosities,
every request for translator still involves those classic words: “What is your rate
per word” as if this measure is still relevant and fair.
To be clear, uniform unit measures can be relevant if all goods are
equal and randomly variable. For examples, today in most industrialized
countries at least, all supermarket potatoes of the same kind are more or less equally
tasteless. The difference between them is natural and unpredictable. It is
impossible to make any connection between the farm and potato. Thus, comparing
the cost of a pound or kilo of potatoes is legitimate and reflects the sole
actual value difference, cost.
By contrast, the per-word price comparison in translation is illogical,
as Spock would say. Even if the field of the translation is identical, e.g.,
medical or legal, all words, or texts to be more precise, are not created
equal. Aside from the quantity of words, format potentially adds hours to a
project. If the document is in PDF, it requires preparation before it is useful
for CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools, which almost all translators
use. Charts and special formatting add time after translation as they often
only can be arranged after translation especially if one language is
significantly wordier than another. In additional documents, more technical
document require research as a professional translator must be 100% sure that
the term is correct, a time-consuming process even for those who are expert at
searches. For larger projects, QA can take no less time than the
translation as it is impossible to properly reread 10,000 words without
frequent breaks. Finally, every translation, including the most technical ones,
reflects the language and expertise of the translator, i.e., no translations
are identical. As such, a higher price may result in greater value if the
result is more effective. So, unlike potatoes, the price comparison by itself
is meaningless.
Project-based bids are fundamentally good for translators. Obviously,
the quoted price better reflects the total effort of the translators as it
includes all the factors specific to that project. The psychological effect of
translators setting rates according to their reality is greater productivity as
they “own” the project. Furthermore, overall quotes allow for invisible and
seamless rate increases over the years, solving the issue of how to raise rates
with long-term customers that act as if inflation does not exist. An additional
benefit is the ability to create win-win situations for unpleasant work. All freelancers
have certain type of works that they find very tedious and/or unpleasant. By
factoring this element into the price, as plumbers do with sewer work, the
service provider either avoids the project or is highly paid, both positive
outcomes. Finally, it is not necessary to explain source-word and target word
to customers, saving countless emails and avoiding unpleasant misunderstandings.
Thus, translators gain in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility and
LSPs (Language Service Providers) all benefit in terms of price clarity and
reliability. In per-word cost quotes, it
is necessary to assess the word count to calculate the price for the end
customer. In relations with the translator, the parties must factor in
repetition rates, the percentage of the full rate paid for partial or total
repetitions of the same sentence. By contrast, in a project-based quote, after
review of the document, the translator provides a single quote, which provide a
basis for the agency quote, a much simpler process. Furthermore, translators
meet deadline more often as they have carefully reviewed the document in order
to prepare the quote. While it may delay the LSP quoting process, that period
of time is minimal. LSPs also gain from this pricing method.
In all cases, the end customer finds project-based quotes much simpler.
Most end-customers do not understand industry jargin. They do not know that a
page is 250 words, not all the words on a A4 piece of paper nor can they grasp
why there may be a difference, sometimes up to 50%, between the number of words
in the source and target. They simply want to know how much the job will cost.
One sentence with a cost and deadline answers their main question in short
work. That is the art of keeping it simple.
There are at least two ways to calculate the total amount of a
translation project. It is possible to multiply the total number of words by
the base rate and then add or subtract elements that affect the total time. For
example, on a project of 1000 words at rate of .10 USD per word, the base rate
is 100 USD but the quote will be higher if the document is in PDF form and
requires another hour of work. Another method, especially relevant for a
multitask project, is estimating the total time for each section or task, totalling the amount, multiplying it by the hourly rate and adding a “fudge” factor to reflect
unpleasant surprises. Of course, the amounts are adjusted for local factors, i.e.,
how much the paying party is willing and able to pay and to what degree the
project is desirable. In either case, the final offer should reflect the total
time that will be invested and cost of living of the translator.
I have been using project-based pricing for four years now with both
end-customers and translations agencies. The former finds it much simpler while
the latter accepted it rather quickly. I am never automatically out of the
consideration for a project due to my price since they first need to query me
nor do I turn myself into a “potato”. I admit to have miscalculated a few
quotes but the overquotes have easily compensated for the underquotes. Using
project-based quotes, I “own” my prices while simplifying life for
others. Tradition makes for a good song but poor business practice.
*Picture captions allow the blind to enjoy your posts.