
Monday, June 24, 2024

3D marketing – the importance of physically meeting potential clients


[conversation between three businesspeople*]

In the age of digital tools, Covid and high transportation costs, not to mention some wars in certain parts of the world, the norm, at least in business circles, has become to search and meet potential customers online. It is clearly more convenient in terms of time and personal exposure. Despite these advantages, in terms of making a lasting impression, physical contact remains more effective in creating business contacts. Admittedly, it does require some personal effort and time investment, which are the precise reasons for its impact. Not only is this type of contact effective, it is not difficult to find opportunities to meet both potential customers and colleagues both near and far.

The strength of personal physical contact, as compared to online venues, is that people can size each other up and create a strong impression of each other. While Internet interactions require less time and involve less personal risk , they are also far more forgettable. It difficult to obtain and retain an impression of a person on the basis of text or spoken conversation only. Personal meetings add the vital element of body language and face recognition. The name, face, body, personality and professional aspects of a person combine and form a strong image. That person may not need your service today but will likely remember the person with whom they had a conversation at a marketing event. Human beings still prefer to hire professionals that they have a basis to trust, however intuitive that trust may be.

It is true that to create such contacts, it is necessary to commit time and energy to leaving the comfort of one’s office. Business meetings can easily take up half of a day or take from precious evening time at home. Furthermore, unlike online communication, real conversation requires putting energy into a conversation, searching for positive questions and comments and putting effort to create a positive impression. For many freelancers, this task is quite intimidating. However, it is important to remember that social interaction can include not only conversation leadership but also asking questions and suggesting solutions, which are easier roles for quieter folk. Both potential customers and colleagues admire the skill of listening well and asking relevant questions. It makes the speaker feel important, an important part of creating a positive impression. Thus, even the less social skilled can successfully make business contacts in person.

The main focus of marketing activities of all kinds should be meeting potential customers. Most towns of even small size have various business groups of the BNI/Rotary Club type or other more focused forums. By participating in them, entrepreneurs gains contacts with numerous business customers they would not otherwise meet. On a regional basis, many banks and digital organizations, such as Easy in Israel, have periodical gatherings of participating business. It is worthwhile investing several hours in meeting other business owners, who have no problem with direct marketing as they are doing the same. The participant often receives a free meal for the small price of having to listen to some marketing speech. Another ideal venue are group meetings, notably conventions buisness fairs, whose partipants are our target audience, whether providers of a specific services, such as financial or service services, or share a common background, such as immigrants from certain countries and users of a certain service. A time investment in meeting these groups can produce great fruits. The best advice that I did not take when I started as a translator was “go to your customers”. It is still relevant.

Do not neglect your colleagues. While occasionally they are competitors, they are far more often sources of knowledge and jobs. No entrepreneur or even company knows and does everything. Thus, it is quite possible that these entities may need the service you provide at some time or another. Make the effort to make an impression before they require such a service. You will be first in their minds. Ideal venues include professional events such as conferences and lectures. One extremely effective way of making connections is to host a small get-together of similar professions. It is surprising how much knowledge and business can be attained over a cake and coffee. As the song goes, I get by with a little help of a friend. It is important to go out and make one from among your colleagues.

Digital marketing is here to stay.  At the same time, maybe because of the decline in use, personal marketing is not only more effective in creating positive impression but also far more efficient in creating business. It mainly requires investment of time and energy. To quote Oscar Wilde, the only thing worst then being talked about is not being talked about. Go out and try it.

P.S. I am practicing what I preach. I recently attended an event hosted by my bank for its business customers and made at least three meaningful contacts. I am also giving in-person lectures at the KTLC and ATA translation conferences in September and October, respectively.

* Picture captions help the blind fully access the Internet.

Picture credit

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