
Monday, March 25, 2024

Escapist pioneers


[yellow locker among orange ones]

With the Covid crisis and ongoing wars, escapism has become almost a daily need. It seems obvious today that if reality is too depressing (and drugs are not your style), a few minutes or hours of TikTok, YouTube, Netflix or cable television is the perfect way to create the illusion that everything is fine. However, people forget that once, through the 1970’s, in the United States, a few commercial television stations were the only source of home entertainment and were, on the whole, rather vanilla, i.e., directed to the average viewer as the major networks perceived such a creature (genially referred to as the Nielsen family). Today’s varied and potent range of escapism owes much to the earliest commercial TV pioneers that were willing to be different and prepare future generations how much fun it is, among things, to work out, trash athletes and cook gourmet food at home.

Jack LaLanne

Jack LaLanne

At a time when most people stopped exercising after high school or even did not know that they should keep in shape, Jack LaLanne had a morning workout show from 1951 to 1985. American housewives from the privacy of their own home would stretch and work out every morning once the children went off to school. One would think that the instructor was a hunky young man but instead he was rather older looking, quite different from today’s high-energy trainers. Somehow, he showed that you  don’t have to be a “jock” to exercise and that it even helped you feel younger and look better. Jack LaLanne had a significant role in creating the “stay fit” culture that impacts people of all ages today.

[Howard Cosell]

Howard Cosell

Watching sports is an ancient pastime. The ancient Greeks did it. Probably Neanderthal man did it but we admittely have no proof of that. Part of the fun of watching sports is making highly critical remarks about an athlete despite the fact that we may have never even played the sport or, at best, last played it several decades previously. However, through the 1960s, sports announcers were either employees of the team or maintained neutrality and only described the action. Then, Howard Cosell became a commentator in Monday Night Football and “told it like is” despite the fact that he had never played any American football in his life. He was the “average Joe” expressing his opinion on how awful the quarterback or team was, just what many of the viewers were thinking. Viewing Monday Night Football became a sort of a menage á trois, i.e., Team A vs. Team B. vs. Howard Cosell, with the third party being the most interesting. Today, any fan with an opinion can set up a podcast or YouTube channel and express their ignorance to the masses. Howard Cosell helped make that cool.

[Julia Child]

Julia Child

American home cuisine in the 1950’s was rather limited not because of the ingredients but instead due to the general ignorance of cooking. Most American women thought that home cooking and fancy restaurant dishes were two completely different worlds, like oil and water. Julia Child came along and showed them how to cook “fancy” dishes at home, changing their whole approach to cooking. Because the programs were live, she even made mistakes, which created more authenticity. Gradually, both men and women began to try to make new and adventurous food (everything is relative). Today, it is possible to watch “foodie” shows 24 hours a day as well as find recipes and demonstrations on the Internet including video demonstrations for any dish you can or cannot imagine. Some of these gurus actually make money doing so.  Julia Child had a major role in creating that culture.

Most people may have forgotten or never heard of these people now but their belief in their way of living helped create a world of personal freedom. It may feel that there are too many options and that people go too far. Yet, escapism is human too and healthy in moderation. All of today’s public fitness freaks, couch critics and cooking fanatics can thank these pioneers for their broadcasting of the joy of escapist life .

* Picture captions help the blind fully access the Internet

Monday, March 18, 2024

The long trek up – second language mastery


[mountain path to snowy peak*]

Many people are amazed by those that have learned a foreign language and even more so by those that can speak more than two or more. Yet, the term “learn” is subject to countless interpretations, ranging from being able to function as a tourist to writing scholarly articles in the foreign language. As a translator that makes a living by working with foreign languages and a person that has conducted my daily routine in my  non-mother tongue for most of my life, I can say that learning a foreign language is a journey with a goal that is essentially unattainable in terms of structure, vocabulary and culture. Nonetheless,  the path  to mastery of another tongue is a pleasure in itself and merely ultimately depends on effort, not on innate ability.

Every language has its unique way of phrasing ideas. For example, some languages, notably English, prefer direct active expressions while others, especially Russian, often use passive or indirect forms. Compare the English I feel like (doing nothing) as compared to the Russian мне хочется [mne hotyetcya], literally to me is wanted. Likewise, the use of delayed subject varies: compare It is raining in English to יורד גשם [yored geshem] in Hebrew, rain is falling, without the “it is”. These variances create native language interference with the foreign language. It may take years of practice and correction to stop the leakage, if ever. Thus, foreigners, even when they speak fluently, struggle to speak like the natives in terms of sentence structure.

Total word knowledge is essentially a mirage. No matter how long a person lives in the country and uses the language, there remains a large quantity of unknown terms. For example, despite some 35 years in Israel, I just learned that gamalim means “camel drivers” as compared to gmal-im, which means “camels”.  Another interesting pair in Hebrew is germanit with the accent on the third syllable means “German” as compared to “Germanic” when the second syllable is stressed. On a more general level, some languages prefer specific language while others tend to make the concrete abstract, notably French. Despite all of one's efforts, it is impossible to know and understand the entire lexicon of a second language.

Culture is a multilayered factor. In most countries of the world, there are many subcultures, each with their own list of preferred and disapproved expression. One interesting example is the use of the word cousin. In most countries, the terms refers to a blood relative. However, many Irish indirectly refer to the British as their cousins while Israeli Jews similarly refer to Israeli Moslems (on the basis of the Biblical story of Hagar and Sarah) simirly. Generational differences also affect language use. For example, Israelis over the age of 50 will easily understand quotes from the legendary comedy trio Hagashah Hahiver while younger ones may have no clue to what they mean. For English speaking audiences, imagine the difference in saying “happy feet” to those over 50 as compared those in their 20’s. Of course, religious references differ depending on the dominant faith in a given culture. As we can only exist in one four-dimensional position at a time (as far I know), it is impossible to master all cultural references.

It may seem that I am implying that learning a foreign language is a waste of time if we can never attain full mastery. On the contrary, being able to communicate in a different language not only opens gates of understanding to so many people, it also enriches the mind. In my experience, regardless of age, it is exciting to learn something new. As the language learning experience is never-ending, it provides a never-ending opportunity to discover the unknown. People always have more to learn.

Not only is this potential not limited by financial or physical capacity, it also does not require extraordinary intelligence. To learn a foreign language only requires effort and practice as well as the willingness to make a fool of yourself and learn from mistakes, just like a four-year old. Clearly, innate ability and intelligence make the task easier but they do not determine success. The worst language learners have become fluent when “forced” by circumstances to function in that language. More importantly, reaching the peak of perfection in a foreign language is ultimately irrelevant. It is important to remember that even native speakers never master all aspects of their mother language. In practice, the trek up that mountain of fluency is filled with amazing discoveries and funny stories. For many people, especially translators and interpreters, it is the intellectual journey of their lives.

* Picture captions help the blind fully access the Internet.


Monday, March 11, 2024

Onions and teaching


[red onion cut open*]

I suddenly realized that I am in the middle of my fourth decade of teaching. Not only that, in some four years, I will retire (please note: not get to or will have to) from teaching (but not translating). Clearly, I am a much different teacher today than I was twenty years ago or even ten years ago. As I thought about that evolution. I realized that I had finally reached the third layer of teaching, the emotional connection, which only could follow after attaining thorough knowledge and skillful communication, at least in my case.

To explain, the first step in becoming an effective teacher is exceptional knowledge of the subject matter, which creates both teacher self-confidence and student belief in the teacher. It would seem obvious that teachers master the subject matter but it actually takes years to attain the complete control of all the details required to properly teach the material. “Student” level is not enough to effectively teach anything. It is necessary to know the material backwards and forwards, at 4:00 AM in the morning. That assurance provides the teacher with the backbone to stand in front of a sea of faces and explain a matter as “the expert”. Students quickly identify any lack of certainty. They recognize on whom they can depend for reliable information, which creates their trust in the teacher.

Freed from the stress of subject matter management, teaching becomes the art of classroom management and communication with students. Effective teachers learn what techniques aid students in learning and which actually harm. For example, if a teacher hands out written material that mirror the spoken words, the students will probably not listen. In terms of preparing material, outstanding teachers know now to break down complicated processes into short simple steps, a vital skill for reaching those students that struggle with the material. On a one-to-one basis, student-teacher communication involves openness and patience mixed with wisdom in cultivating and maintaining the learning relationship even when rejecting the substance of the student message. Clearly, teachers being human beings, educators have their own individual style, which must be authentic, as well as strengths and weaknesses. Fine-tuning the techniques takes years and is always a work in progress.

In my opinion, the next, maybe last, stage goes beyond subject matter teaching  and expands to educating, even mentoring in some cases, which involves significant self-confidence and emotional intelligence on the part of the teacher. Students of all ages are people that are developing, often without guidance. They are searching for a way to cope with the challenges of the present and a direction for the future. On the other hand, teachers are also human, also coping with numerous demands not only from the students but also from their own situations, including a decreasing amount of energy as they age. It is clearly impossible for a teacher to take on students as their own children. That is not a practical or even desirable role. Yet, a teacher can influence students by providing words of encouragement and support, suggesting solutions and approaches and merely just listening. For example, a teacher can go the extra mile if a student is going through a crisis or requires extra help. Sometimes, a teacher’s faith in the ability of the student to learn a given skill is far more effective than a grade. Teachers can identify students lacking self-confidence and encourage them. This task require significant time and energy, which is generally only available once the teacher masters the other aspects of the profession.

To avoid any misinterpretation, even with my long experience, my teaching is far from perfect. Teaching is an art, not a science, and is never fully mastered as each class and each day are unique. Moreover, experience and skill do not necessarily have a causal relationship, i.e., there are amazing newbie teachers and awful experienced teachers. Yet, while the material of teaching any material is clearly finite, we teachers are dynamic, changing with the circumstances and age. In the twilight of my teaching career, I am still evolving and discovering new ways to help students, which helps me maintain my enthusiasm for the actual teaching part of the profession. Teaching is truly a bit like an onion not only it can be both taste sweet and cause tears but also because it demands time and effort to master its many layers even if they are not obvious at the beginning.

* Picture captions help the blind fully access the Internet.

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Monday, March 4, 2024

Bundling thoughts – addition by addition


This last week, I experienced a classic business bundling sitaution. In order to rent out a flat, it became necessary to make repairs and paint it. Consequently, we met the contractor at the flat, who by chance invited his son, a real estate agent, to arrange the matter. As the flat would need thorough cleaning, the handyman mentioned that he could get a quote on that task from a company he worked with. Voilà – one project will provide work to three different companies, all because of the cooperation between them. This almost magical creation let me to consider types of business bunding and question how it works in the translation business.

First, some professionals are by definition bundlers, more commonly known as contractors. Building contractors may do some of the work themselves but they openly subcontract a significant part of the work to specialists, including plumbers, electricians and roofers. In fact, their intrinsic value is that they find the required complimentary professionals.

Other professions have links to complementary experts that are required to complete certain projects but the customer retains the privilege to choose the specific service provider. For example, insurance claims often involve assessors and repair services but the customer has the right to select the actual provider. Likewise, a real estate agent may have a preferred handyman but the renter can limit the agent’s services to finding tenants only.

Some companies bundle their own services. As the State Farm ad reminds us, it is less expensive to bundle home and car insurance. A packing service may also naturally provide storage and shipping. There generally is some connection between the bundled services as the assumption is that the services involves some common expertise or goal. It would be weird if a mortuary service also provided refrigerator repair. To a certain degree, expanding the range of potential services to a customer is an effective way to increase income.

As a translator, not a translation company, which is a contractor in effect, I need to consider what type of bundling I can offer. I work from three languages into English as well as do English editing. This package is a good start but clearly limited in itself. In projects requiring multiple language combinations beyond my expertise, I have occasionally arranged translators of other language combinations for customers, who have appreciated the extra service. As for complementary services that would benefit all parties, I have not discovered any effective combination aside from translator/editor, which is generally only requested in literary translation.

Based on the real-life incident and the analysis of the bundling, all businesses can benefit from partnership with complementary services. The challgenge can be identifying those services and service providers that would create additional value. 

* Picture captions help the blind fully access the Internet.

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