
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The peaks and valleys of translation quotes – what does it all mean for translation buyers?


                                                                [Mountain and foggy valley*]

Anybody that has ever asked for a quote for translation of documents probably was rather surprised by the price range. The highest proposal can easily be two times or more than the lowest one. The reasons for this high variance include both personal situations and market conditions. For the translation buyers, I present some ways to process and interpret the rates in order to identify the most appropriate translator.

Both individual considerations and market realities affect specific proposals. Since translators operate on the Internet, including email and professional sites, geography does not play a major role in limiting potential customers. Translators in Germany and India compete for the same buyers. However, the local standard of living creates a minimum level of effective income. In simple terms, translators have to know how many hours at a certain rate they have to work to pay the rent and buy groceries. In that sense, low and high are also relative terms in relation to the local standard of living. Of course, many freelance translators choose low rates as the consider it as a side-occupation, closer to a hobby than an occupation. On the other spectrum, other linguists need to make a living from their work and demand commensurate rates as they wish to live at a certain standard of living. On a more conscious level, many translators deliberately choose a strategy, including low- or high-end pricing. To explain, if income is defined volume multiplied by rate, some prefer to increase volume by opting for lower rates while others opt for rate by seeking deep-pocketed buyers. Experience level  often influences this choice. With experience, it is natural and healthy to demand higher rates while new translators are hesitant or nervous about demanding upmarket rates.

All these issues are overshadowed by a major market force in translation: nobody knows what the market rate is (see post). Freelancers and even some agencies rarely post translation rates. National laws may even prevent it as some countries consider rate discussion as price fixing. Even among colleagues, most translators considerate it “indelicate” to ask how much the other is charging. This fog leaves everybody in the dark. Even with years of experience, it is often unclear whether a given rate for a given job in a given year is high or low. Thus, aside from individual choices, translation quotes can vary greatly simply because nobody knows what the market rate is.

The issue is how should a translation buyer process the proposals and identify the most appropriate. The usual policy of automatically eliminating the highest and lowest is not relevant as the price does not necessarily reflect quality or base cost for the service provider.  It is important to keep in mind that agency quotes generally do not specify the actual cost of the translator. This rate, especially for the some of the larger agencies, can be rather low. The ideal buying process is to first identify the level of specialized knowledge required for the translation, the level of quality required for the actual use of the translated material and the budget. For example, if an attorney needs translation of a foreign court decision to submit to a local court, such a translation requires thorough understanding of the concepts, must be completely accurate in terms of content and should be stylistically appropriate for court use. Otherwise, the translation is defective or useless. By contrast, staying in the legal field, the translation of a series of legal documents for purposes of firm-level identification of issues requires far less expertise and polishing. The message must be clear. In the first case, it may be worthwhile choosing the high bid as the resulting translation will be “less expensive” than that produced a translator with less expertise. In the second case, even a translator with little experience at a commensurate price but sufficient knowledge may be able to provide a “good enough” result at a lower price. The key is to identify (as much as possible) the most appropriate translators for a specific job and then take the budget into account.

Like a statistician facing too much outlier data, translation buyers are sometimes confused by the lack of any industry standard rate range. The key to dealing with this variance is to focus on the solution, i.e., an appropriately knowledgeable translator as demonstrated by previous exposure to the genre, formal or informal, regardless of the level of experience, for the quality required of the job and then compare prices, obviously taking into account budget limits. It is important to remember that, in translation, to a certain degree, but only for a certain degree, you get what you pay for.

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Monday, December 18, 2023

These are a few of my favorite things - The Braude College of Engineering 16th Research Conference



Multi-disciplinary research conferences create certain feelings - among them ignorance and wonder. Researchers in many different fields present their ongoing projects to colleagues in non-related fields. The curious result is most of the audience doesn’t fully understand some or all aspects of the presentation. At the same time, the listeners, or at least I, gain an appreciation of new topics and, no less important, the brilliant minds of their colleagues.

As a mere English lecturer without a science background, all of the topics were new to me with quite a few being quite incomprehensible except for the main idea, partly because my knowledge of math is rather limited. Still, these presentations opened previously unknown worlds and perspectives and gave me hope for practical solutions for important current problems in the foreseeable future. Among those presentations that I was able to follow, I wish to highlight several that especially piqued my interest, notably those discussing developments in health care and environmental solutions as well as a few that related to more obscure but still potentially relevant issues.

In the area of health, Dr. Iris Weitz discussed the use of copper oxide nanoparticles as a tool in healing and preventive health. Similar to gold and silver, she and her colleagues discovered that copper has certain properties even in a nanoparticle form that can help the body fight illnesses. At the same particle level, Prof. Sarit Sivan presented research on how nanoparticles containing pain killers can be used to ease eye pain and allow proper rest for patients in the first 72 hours after laser surgery. In the both of these lectures in TedTalk form, both the science and implications were quite clear and thought-provoking

In regards to environment issues, Associate Prof. Essam Sabah, in conjunction with several European colleagues, presented research that shows how it may be possible to use jelly fish mucus, which the animal uses to clean the water around it, to capture and bind nanoparticles of plastic and improve water treatment systems. In another lecture, Dr. Lilach Lasur Kruh explained how the search for the original DNA in wild humus plants may help fight mushroom infections in cultured plants and the challenges involved in implementing the solution. These lectures reinforced the notion that science does not always have to reinvent the wheel, only find where it is buried.

On a more esoteric but no less useful note, Dr. Anat Dahan presenting findings on research demonstrating how cooperation synchronizes brains. The testing involved monitoring brain activities when two individuals worked on the same task together. The implications of such development could be far reaching. Dr. Elad Denenberg discussed creating algorithms that would allow satellites to automatically avoid the rapidly-increasing quantity of space garbage floating around the earth. The major challenge is to make the calculation simple enough that the satellite can make the calculations autonomously and minimize waste of fuel in maneuvering. The need for research in these fields seem obvious now.

The pleasure of college research conferences is the magnificent combination of incredible knowledge with the ability and experience in expressing this knowledge. All the presenters expanded and enlightened the minds of the listeners. I merely presented a few of my favorite things. I wish to thank the College and the conference organizers for the event. I am looking forward to next year’s session.

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Monday, December 11, 2023

Linguistic false cousins or the danger of a little knowledge


[cat with lion in mirror*]

Through historical events, languages encounter each other and leave linguistic marks. Specifically, foreign roots enter a language, often providing a term for a concept that needed a word. However, the meaning of foreign words sometimes takes on a twist. This modification can confuse natives of the original language, who think that they understand the meaning. I will give some examples of this phenomenon, citing sentences in French-English and Hebrew-English.

Let’s start with a nice marketing sentence in French:

J’ignore que vous réussirez à commercialiser et vulgariser le produit.

An English speaker unfamiliar with business French would find this sentence slightly confusing even though the words seem understandable. First of all, why would someone ignore a future event? Second, it is not clear what the concept of commercialization refers to. Is private usage the opposite status? Finally, the purpose of marketing is to add status. Therefore, why would a company want to make it seem vulgar, of low quality? For clarity’s sake, the proper translation of this sentence to English is “I don’t know whether you will succeed in marketing and popularizing the product”.

Going the opposite direction, English to French, we have this fine academic phrase: evolution of a formidable society. A French person with minimal knowledge of English would be unsure of this context here and may misunderstand it. First, evolution in French can also refer to conscious development as compared to evolutionary probability. Second, formidable in French generally means wonderful (see song), which is not true in English where it means strong. Finally, society in French can also refer to an organized business unit, a corporation in English, creating an ambiguity. Therefore, a French person could understand the phrase to indicate the plan  to create a wonderful company. The actual context could be the development of a city state such as Sparta over time, which was a major power at its peak.

Hebrew has also adopted English expressions quite freely over the last 100 years or so but not always retained their original meaning, thus creating a bit of confusion to visitors with minimal Hebrew. Let’s consider this Corona period statement:

לבקש ללבוש פוטר בזמן הסטאז' הוא שאלת קיטבג.

[levakesh lilbosh futer b’zman hastaj hu sha’alat kitbag]

Three words are of interest. What is footer (third word)? In practice, it is a fabric but refers to sweat pants. The stage (fifth word) is not a stage in the context of the theatre or planning but refers to an apprenticeship, as in some parts of Europe. The last term is completely obscure (and admittedly a bit slangy). It does mean a kit bag but refers to a stupid question that one should not ask, as in “Sargeant, do we need to bring our kit bag?”, which leads to all the soldiers having to carry one. So, the phrase means it is not a good idea to ask to be allowed to wear pajamas when you are an apprentice. Clear, right?

It is convenient to know some roots in a foreign language when you need to decipher meanings. However, it is risky to assume that the resulting words have the exact same meaning. A little knowledge can be very dangerous.

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Monday, December 4, 2023

The BP Winter Translation Forum – a feast for the mind


[salad ready for preparation*]

This past week, I had the great pleasure of participating both as a speaker and listener in the online BP Winter Translation Forum. With more than 50 lectures in several languages over three days, there was plenty of food for thought for any translator. If one definition of success of a conference is that the participant leaves with one new perspective and one concrete tehcnique to apply, this event far exceeded expectations. Among the various themes, one of the most interesting ones was the active choice to follow one’s passion and choose small niches. The speakers showed that it is possible to combine work and pleasure.

Examples of passion motivating translator choices were Gabriela Kouahla and Jennifer Case. Ms. Kouahla identified and focuses on aspiring academics in North Africa that require assistance in preparing articles for publication. Correspondingly, she actively caters to their needs and payment conditions. She feels part of their long-term success while ensuring her own long term financial stability. In her case, social activism and making a living go hand in hand. Likewise, Ms. Case, an Arabic to English translator, relishes to go where most translators fear to tread, political and social causes. She attempts to fully express the idea, no matter how uncomfortable it may be for some parties in the translation cycle, while challenging public stereotypes. She does not fear criticism and, thus, channels her personal passion into her professional work. For these translators, their belief system fuels their work.

Two of the speakers dissected two large markets and showed the various submarkets that exist. Eman Abdu showed the fascinating and diverse world of Arabic from Morocco to Iraq, highlighting the other languages that influence its modern vocabulary, including Amazigh (Berber), French, English and Italian. She noted that, given the wide range of forms of spoken Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, a constructed language, serves as a bridge between cultures, a bit like English in India. Also breaking monolithic myths was Heddwan Newton, who illustrated how many types of English exist. These forms include UK and US English but also Australian aborigine and Italian, to name just a few. She highlighted the importance of being aware of the local variances by noting several terms that have rather different meanings depending on the culture, such as tabling a motion and root. From these lecturers, it became clear that each of these language subgroups are potential niches for qualified translators.

Of course, the conference treated many other translation-related topics, including, but fortunately not focusing on, AI. The more “practical lectures” included Chris Durbin’s advice to new translators (once in English and once in French, WOW!), Uri Bruck’s explanation of TM matches and my lecture on email communication when translators make errors. See the program for a complete list of all the lectures. To those whose names I did not mention, it is because I was unable to either attend the presentation or ran out of room in this post. Please do not be offended. I wish to thank Csaba Bán and his staff for an amazingly smooth experience.

Overall, the BP Winter Translation Forum was well organized, informative and wide-ranging. Almost without exception, the lecturers were organized and knowledgeable (the first is not a given taking into the account the introverted nature of many translators). There was a plenty of food for thought for one and all. I look forward to attending more such conferences.

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Housing foundations


[Foundations of an old house*]

English is the ultimate collector of words, building on roots from any language it encounters. Yet, sometimes, meanings get lost or significantly changed in transition. To demonstrate, I present an interesting short survey of various words in English for a dwelling.

[Colorful town houses]
Both house and home originated from the same proto-German root khusan but went slightly different directions later on haim keeping its original idea of a permanent residence and hus, derived from hide, both the verb and noun, referring to a shelter.

[Irish manor]
Of course, not houses are created equal. For the rich and famous, their abode may be a mansion, from the Latin root manere, to stay, implying where the land owners actually spent lived most of the time. A slightly more modest option is a villa, clearly a Latin/old Italian word, which originally referred to a summer home, like a dacha in Russia, but now implying a permanent detached residence. For the super-rich, they may even own a chateau, literally a castle, although it has been quite few centuries since its residents needed protection from attack aside from paparazzi. On the other scale, in hot climates, a bungalow is a very reasonable option, logical as it refers to a Bengalese traditional house. The old forest cottage, merely a hut, is now rather common in the cities and has grown in size. A temporary soldiers tent in Spanish, a  barraca, became a fixed residence for soldiers, i.e., barracks. A  a home away from home in the mountain for herders known as a chalet is rather expensive now.

[Apartment building]
For those of us that cannot afford or choose not to live a detached life style, an apartment is the standard option. Curiously, the word literally means as it sounds, a separated place in Italian. Somehow, when I hear the neighbors moving furniture above me, I don’t feel so separated. Its English cousin, a flat, also has a bit of twisted journey. It is derived from an old French word for flat, the adjective. It is funny how today many English housing units are on two if not more stories. In the US, an apartment that is bought, not rented, is called a condominium, which literally means shared living, which is at least honest. Its upscale neighbor, the penthouse, was apparently an addition to the building as originally referred to an appendage, an added building in old French, apparently someone similar to the luxury suites that stadiums add to establish stadiums to increase revenue.

[Shanty town]
Alas, not everybody is fortunate enough to enjoy reasonable quality housing. Some people live in tenements, dilatated apartments, which originally implied actually owning the place, unlike today. In the country, many poor families grow up in a shack, a Mexican-Spanish word for an adobe hut,  a structure that experienced a material switch to wood. A lumberjack’s temporary home, a shanty, became a last resort of the unemployed and homless in some countries. With a history that is no less sad, crowing up on a croft in Scotland was no pleasure but it did have land and provide something to eat as it was a short land allotment until the English threw the residents off the land.

Some housing is temporary by definition. The basic English word tent is derived from the Latin verb tendere, to stretch, which makes sense to any person that ever put one up. Other cultures considered home to be where the hearth is regardless of its permenance.  The Turkish root of tree lent its name to the yurt as it provided a root to those tribes. Likewise, the teepee literally means they dwell, technically the truth. The more northern igloo is merely a house. Some homes are born to roam, as Bruce Springsteen would say.

[Toy house on lawn]
So, whatever your pad, technically a bundle of straw, is, be thankful for a roof over your head and consider the magnificent collection of words the English language has succeeded in hoarding over the centuries, thus creating a fine foundation of words to describe your humble abode, often with changes to their original meanings.

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Monday, November 20, 2023

Ghosts of Thanksgiving past

[Thanksgiving table*]

Every country has at least one annual event that transcends differences in religion, generation, race and background. For the United States, in my opinion at least, that occasion is Thanksgiving, a time when extended families make great effort to get together and enjoy each other’s company.

There is a universal element in Thanksgiving. People of all stripes and colors get together and eat the same menu, with small variations. Even when alternatives are far tastier (my brother persuaded my mother to make paella one year), it is somehow sacrilegious to not eat turkey this Thursday. Even more notable, three generations of a family strive to sit together and talk, not a common occurrence in the United States. The table is set for a royal feast, with all the finest pieces being used. For the children, it is a wonderful time to play with cousins without close parental supervision. Thanksgiving is above all a family occasion.

Of course, each family has its own traditions. In my family, there was a children’s table, with the symbolic presence of my great uncle who, due to a stroke, could barely speak. Various relatives brought their specialties, including my aunt who made the incredible apple and pumpkin pies. As we grew older, we children were allowed to have gin and topic as we munched on homemade guacamole. I would play hearts, the card game, with aunt and great aunt, who would curse to the great shame of her daughter and our amusement. My father would always read the Art Buchwald column on explaining Thanksgiving to the French, still a classic. Whether we children were unaware or did not care, the adults would quietly criticize each other despite their best efforts to keep their mouths shut. I think we found their remarks irrelevant and amusing. Who cares if a certain aunt does not know how to dress properly? My cousin and I would play piano, she far better as she was much more serious than I and still is. It was a special day.

I wish I had a picture to show you of those occasions. However, this is a Thanksgiving past, before the time of cell phones and, more importantly, an awareness of the importance of taking pictures on such occasion. I believe there almost everybody there has a sense that this event was a given, an occasion that would happen every year, year in, year out, and somehow exempt from the effects of time.

Alas, nothing stops time, not even Thanksgiving. The generation of my grandparents has long gone to the grave. Of my parents’ generation, only my mother (96 years old) is alive but no longer capable of preparing a feast for 4 people, let along 20+. As for the children, alas, we have drifted, geographically and/or emotionally. Some of us belong to our adopted families. I have not lived in the US for some 35 years now nor celebrated Thanksgiving in that period.

Unlike in Dickens’ book, in my case, there is no ghost of Thanksgiving present. My brother will celebrate the holiday with this wife’s family. I am not sure that I will remember that Thanksgiving is Thursday at all as there is no hint of the holiday in Israel, especially with the war going on. My mother will be alone. I do share and concur with her comment: she can live without celebrating Thanksgiving because her Thanksgivings were so wonderful. So, ghosts of Thanksgiving past are loyal friends.

To those celebrating the holiday Thursday , treasure the day even if the food is a bit heavy and the family is a bit annoying. The memories are priceless.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Non-OEM language learning


[brain in four parts*]

Sammuel Beckett is the exception proving the rule. While he only learned French at the university, he wrote many of his works in French, including En Attendant Godot, Waiting for Godot for those that only read English. Try to find another person, not even an author, that is equally fluent in a language only learned as an adult. My personal experience with this challenge is having lived in Israel for some 35 years in a Hebrew speaking house and having a French mother that has lived in the United States for over 70 years. As fluent as a second language can be, it is not native.  An acquired language is different from a mother tongue in terms of crossover, vocabulary retention and confidence. A second language learned as an adult is not the same as your mother tongue.

Most second-language speakers suffer from  having syntax and grammar elements from their first language incorrectly entering their adopted language. My personal bugaboo is common weather expressions in English, specifically “it is cold outside” (or hot)  because I frequently forget that Hebrew does not require the it is, i.e., the Hebrew expression translates as "cold outside".  Another example is many Israelis never switch the future to the present in future clauses, such as “when I wake up, I will call you”, which comes out “when I will wake up” as in Hebrew. Russian speakers have no intuitive understanding of which article (the and a) to use in writing English and seemingly use the lottery system in English. Even after years, language interference never completely disappears.

Over time, there is one struggle that only worsens, specifically the ability to remember words at night or at times of stress. It is amazing how difficult it is to speak a foreign language at 11:00 at night or when a customs official is asking pointed questions. Suddenly, all of your vocabulary goes into hiding, leaving you talking like an idiot (and being treated as one also). Of course, it is a rare person that can do mental arithmetic in a foreign language. Apparently, foreign languages don’t like clutch time very much

Psychologically, the greatest difference between native and acquired languages is assurance. I will dispute (and confidently do so with pedantic editors when they mark up my translations) the correctness of my English, my native language. On the other hand, it seems that the default mode with acquired languages is that the native speaker is correct, which is not always true, even when the foreigner actually studied and understands the formal rules. This feeling of “what do I know” is generally stronger than the academic knowledge of language rules. When it some to acquired languages, when in doubt, a person doesn’t know. This lack of confidence does not disappear or even dissipate with age.

Knowledge and study are two different matters, including in regard to foreign languages. What people absorb in their early years is a certainty, even if incorrect, while what they formally studied later on is a matter of doubt, even if exact. Please do not take me wrong. To acquire a language is a wonderful experience. Even if the native languages contaminates it, words seems to run and hide and we lack trust in our judgment, conversing with a person in their native language makes you a superstar and a citizen of the world even if we don’t reach the level of Sammuel Beckett.

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Monday, November 6, 2023

Translator, forgive thyself


[English version of the Torah*]

It is said that reading the Bible can be an inspiring experience even for those who have no faith. I just had one such moment but not from the text you might expect.

To explain, I recently discovered that I had made a serious terminology translation error on a previously delivered document. Of course, I will correct the error, inform the customer and provide a revised document. Still, the fact that I had made that error upset me as I had spent considerable time trying to find an appropriate English equivalent and thought I had succeeded. I must admit that I felt disappointed in myself.

Then, this Shabbat, I happened to glance at my bookshelf and see the English Torah – the Five Books of Moses that I had received on my bar mitzvah some 50 years ago and have probably never opened since. It is the second edition of the version published by the Jewish Publication Society of America. By chance, I began to read the text on the flap, a seemingly irrelevant part of any book. However, in this case, the words took on new meaning. I quote:

“The Jewish Publication Society of American first produced its first translation of the Bible in 1917… The need for a new translation has been obvious for years….For one thing, it was considered possible – and therefore necessary to improve substantially on earlier versions in rendering both the shades of meaning of words and expressions and force of grammatical forms and constructions… The Trustees and Committees of Translators are grateful for the hundreds of suggestions and scores of reviews that this translation of the Torah has evoked… They incorporated those suggestive changes of whose need they had been convinced. Consequently, this second edition, while adhering to the same policies and principles of Bible translation that were followed in the first edition, occasionally differs from it in phrasing and sometimes in meaning.” [emphasis added]

If a group of translators and editors working together and having a liberal deadline, I assume, still produced substantial errors, is it reasonable to expect freelancers, working by themselves under tight deadlines, to be always perfect?

I forgive myself and will professionally deal with the issue. Of course, I will strive to avoid such errors. I will also admit that God or, if you prefer, fate does work in rather mysterious ways.

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Monday, October 30, 2023

A LinkedIn call for human dialogue


[Two birds talking at the same pool*]

I wish to call on the LinkedIn community to contribute a better Middle East in the future. The current situation is a human tragedy, a Greek one even. Each of the parties knows what the consequences of its actions will be in advance and cannot avoid them. However, through both starving the hatred and feeding mutual tolerance, the ordinary, even extraordinary people on LinkedIn may be able to make a small but important contribution.

First of all, I will not discuss who is right or more right. Clearly, that dialogue is fruitless and irrelevant. Each tribe and tribe supporter, i.e., Israel and Palestinian, is absolutely convinced of the righteousness of their cause. More importantly, as in most family fights, it is ultimately no consolation that you feel that your cause is more just. The Middle East wars, including its present form, is a human tragedy with hundreds of thousands of grieving parents, siblings and friends. Any death is sad but one that is “before his/her time” as they say in Hebrew, is a special tragedy regardless of one’s religion or political views. Of course, people understandably grieve far more for deaths in their tribe but that does not reduce the pain of the deaths of the other side.  On a different level, just imagine if all the money that has been invested in weapons and defense had gone to enriching the country. Thus, I both respect everybody’s right to have a point of view and thus have no intention of arguing its validity as such a discussion serves no purpose.

Instead, I call for two kinds of actions, passive and active.  At minimum, when posting about the current situation on LinkedIn, this international bridge between business people, please do not dehumanize the other side. Referring to the “enemy” as lice, which the Arab Translation Association, a Palestinian organization shamelessly does, or as any other animal is not only unacceptable but creates a mindset that fosters cruelty. See Hannah Arendt’s With Eichman in Jerusalem the banality of evil on this matter. Such name-calling also eliminates any possibility of dialogue and feeds hate. If one side refers to the other as less than human, such an attitude defines the relationship between the parties. Thus, when expressing their opinion, I would hope that LinkedIn members would remember that even the opposite side in a war are human beings and, in one way or another, also victims.

On a more proactive note, LinkedIn member could have a role in building a better future. Some 80 years of wars in the Middle East have proven quite conclusively that neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are going anywhere, i.e., they are staying in that small crowded bit of land. Thus, in practice, the only effective solution is some kind of co-existence. Finding a solution requires a degree of trust and respect. Unfortunately, a new batch of flowers of hate have just released their seeds, which will find a fertile base in the families of the thousands that have died or will die in this war.

To change this sad narrative, the world needs visionaries, communicators, planners and leaders to provide and demonstrate a positive alternative. LinkedIn is the perfect venue for that, containing thousands or such people, who share common interests and communicate with each other despite political differences. I would hope that when member discuss the Israel and Palestine, they will do so not through justification of ghosts of Christmas past or present but instead work for a better world in the future.

I am realistic enough to know that the seeds of hate and distrust are deep and may require generations to disappear. Yet, I believe it is possible to slowly create tolerance and acceptance. It is a bit like learning to accept someone from a different ethnic group as a neighbor if not as a son-in-law. If you are completely skeptical, consider what has changed in the US since Martin Luther’s King’s speech in 1968 or notice that the only reason Ireland gets into the news is for its budget surplus. By having a civilized dialogue when relevant, LinkedIn members can contribute to world peace, prosperity and, most importantly, humanity.


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Monday, October 23, 2023

Audiblilizing translation – the art of legal (and other technical) translation


[Quarterback before snap*]

In American football, one of the major differences between experienced and inexperienced as well as effective and ineffective quarterbacks is the ability to audibilize, which means to adjust the play called by the coach as they survey the defense right before the snap. It takes knowledge, judgment and confidence to understand that the given play call will not work and what to do about it.

Likewise, effective technical translators, especially legal experts, know how to correctly take a sentence in one language and render it in another language and culture, making the necessary changes while neither subtracting or adding content. Literal translation of the text can lead to awkward sentences at minimum and fundamental miscommunications at worst.  When translator works properly,  the resulting text may seem noticeably different in terms of sentence structure and even vocabulary but is quite loyal in terms of content.

Simply put, each language has its unique way of expressing itself and framing sentences. Depending on the language combinations, word-for-word translation can lead to simply awful results. The causes for this asymmetry between languages are many and include:

·         Syntax – Word order varies from language to language in terms of placement of subordinate phrases, time expressions, adjectives and even grammatical subjects.

·         Passive/Active – While in certain languages, the passive form is considered more academic and therefore higher level, such as in Hebrew, in other languages it is considered confusing and poor writing. Therefore, in many cases, the translator must change the whole structure, including the form of verb.

·         Punctuation – There are no universal punctuation rules or even rules of what constitutes a sentence. Dostoevsky and lawyers in many languages can get away with whole paragraphs linked with commas and ending after in a period after a half of page (or more). Other languages, notably English, have much more rigid sentence structure and/or stylistic norms, requiring the chopping of sentences in multiple sentences

·         Vocabulary – Languages and cultures vary in terms of terminology development, meaning similar terms may carry more limited or expanded meanings. Moreover, certain terms many not exist in the target language, requiring more creative solutions. Legal, like all technical, translators must understand the exact meaning of a term in both the source and target language.

·         Legalese – Some legal cultures have instituted “plain language” rules intended to render the text intelligible to a greater number of persons. Others view use of the highly specialized phrases as a sign of an erudite writer.

·         Poor source text – The sad fact is that many legal and other technical writers produce poorly written text. While “garbage in, garbage out” may be easier, professional translators try to render the text into proper language.

A truly proficient translator grasps the meaning of the source sentence and creates a clear, well-written equivalent in the target language even if it involves significant changes to the sentence structure and syntax. By contrast, a poor translation may be loyal to the original structure but sounds like a translation. If you wish to judge the result, audibilize it, i.e., read it out loud. It should sound like a native writer wrote it. If so, the legal  translator has properly audiblized the text and is worth hiring again.


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Monday, October 9, 2023

Taxing properties



As the old joke goes, the only certainties are death and taxes. Regarding the first, none of us, as far as I know, have any personal experience to speak of but most adults are quite familiar with the second. For example, property owners and sometimes renters have to pay a property tax to their local authority to finance its services. This tax exists almost worldwide but how this tax is calculated varies from country to country. In theory the tax is the product of the base amount and the tax rate. Each country defines the first variable differently and has distinct mechanisms for setting the second as I will show in by comparing the property tax calculation methods in the United States, France and Israel.

In the United States, the base amount is highly variable while the rate is relatively stable. The local authority, usually the city, establishes the rate by vote with the increase in any given year limited by state law, thus protecting the taxpayer from sudden jumps. The city can apply discounts and exemptions for certain areas, building types and income levels at its discretion, On the other hand, the value of a property is based on its current assessed value, i.e., if former neighbors made a killing in selling their houses during a given year, everybody still living in the neighborhood must pay higher taxes as the value has risen according to the latest assessment. The constant increase in property value in California forced people to sell their houses because they could no longer afford the property taxes even if they had paid a modest price for it several decades previously. As a reaction to that, California voters in 1978 passed Proposition 13, which rolled back property taxes, which predictably significantly reduced local services. Thus, US property taxes vary greatly from place to place primarily due to property values.

By contrast, the French taxe fonciére is based on the rental value multiplied by a value local authority. The base amount is 50% of the annual rental value, an amount changing on a yearly basis. The tax rate increase is set by the government but a city can vote a supplementary amount as Paris did this year, raising the tax to 50%, yes fifty percent. Thus, not only do French landowners have to keep on eye on rental values but they also must watch their local councils.

Israel has the arnona, which, typically in Israel, is named after a special tax from centuries ago. The base value for this property tax is the size of the property with the  tax rate set by square meter. One would think that the base amount would remain constant but the local authorities have a nasty tendency to periodically remeasure houses and flats and discover previously unknown meters, such as outside walls and covered garages, thus adding sometimes 10% to the previous measurement. The local authority set the rate with the government determining the minimum and maximum amount. As usual, there is a catch in that a local authority may make an application to the Interior Minister for an exception to these limits. As elsewhere, the local authority can apply this rate uniformly or create partial or complete exemptions, an important matter in a country with a large number of religious institutions of various kinds. Israel property tax bills are relatively stable aside from those re-assessments.

It is almost certain that, if you are a property owner, you complain about property tax bills regardless of which country you live. To be fair, most people are not happy about the level of local services either but that is human, right? Curiously, each country has chosen its particular manner of calculating its pound (or dollar, shekel or euro) of flesh. Is one fairer than the other? That issue taxes my understanding of property.

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Monday, October 2, 2023

Why translate marketing materials – one language does not rule them all



It seems so straightforward. Prepare top notch marketing material in English. Given that English is spoken at one level or another by some 1.5 billion people worldwide and is effectively the lingua franca of the world at this time, it should be cost-effective.  In practice, that approach is as relevant as “one size fits all”. While it is true that much of the world can somehow express themselves orally in English, far fewer can read effectively in English. Many non-native readers even avoid reading complicated materials in their second language as they find themselves spending more time and energy with less effective results when trying to decipher them. Visual elements, such as different letters and direction, significantly increase that difficulty. Thus, if a person or company wishes to reach a target audience, it is significantly more effective to prepare marketing material in the native language of their customers.

Ranking languages by native language readers leads to rather different result than that for speaking, native or non-native. The most dominant languages, at least in terms of numbers, are limited to a few countries. For example, Russian and Chinese are almost entirely spoken and read in the Russian Federation and China, respectively, while English as a native language is limited to a handful of countries, primarily the UK, the United States, South Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Even in those countries, a meaningful part of the country does not read English fluently whether because they are immigrants, children of immigrants or live in areas where another language is dominant. This phenomenon is not limited to the English-speaking countries as immigrants have reached every country on the globe, including Scandinavia and Germany, or multiple local languages coexist, as in many parts of Africa and India. Even the same language can have significant different local versions, as it the case of Spanish and Arabic. Therefore, the number of native language readers in English or any other language is significantly less than speakers, first or second language.

This distinction is meaningful to businesses because non-native readers are much less effective in grasping written text. First, they read slower to one degree or another as even fluent speakers of foreign languages have experienced. Second, scanning in a second language requires much more effort with less success. Of great importance is the fact that Internet users scan much more quickly in their native language than in their second language regardless of their familiarity with the latter. A difference in letters and/or direction(Hebrew/Arabic vs English/Spanish) further encumbers the scanning process. Furthermore, non-native speakers often miss direct or indirect messages due to a lack of familiarity with the nuances and cultural references. Psychologically, it is often so much effort to read a (relatively) long text in a foreign language that even high-level  foreign speakers prefer to avoid such texts. That second-language learners may be able to read that language does not necessarily mean that they can efficiently and effectively understand it or even choose to.

As a personal example, my native language is English but I am quite fluent in both French and Hebrew. During my recent trip to France, I found plowing through the French sites slower and “heavier” than if they had been English. As for Hebrew, a language that I live in and use every day, including translate from, I am quite slow in skimming websites,  not to mention longer texts, and dread receiving long emails in Hebrew as I know that I will have truly concentrate. For that reason, I don’t read Hebrew books for the pleasure before I go to bed, preferring English or French. In practice, notwithstanding my oral ability, my reading in my second languages is less effective and requires more effort.

For a business or individual desiring to reach a certain customer, it is important for the written material to be in the most transparent form, one in which the language of choice does not interfere with the message. If the readers are expending significant energy on trying to decipher the language, it is at the expense of considering the product or service. Yes, their English may be sufficient to basically understand the content but they are probably not going to act on it as there is little mental energy left for the effort even if they read to the end. Thus, translation is not “extra” expense but an essential marketing tool.

Today, it is quite tempting to use machine translation, whether a “Google Translate” tool of some kind or a ChatGPT result, to save money and achieve a seemingly acceptable result. Some 20 years of machine translation have left behind a long trail of failed and even embarrassing marketing efforts, even by large companies, that tried to save money and made themselves into a laughing stock, not the desired result. It is far more cost-effective to pay a human being a proper amount to a proper job. The increased sales almost always surpass the expense and create a positive company image, the purposes of marketing. As my father said, anything worth doing is worth doing well.

In summary, when conducting a marketing campaign, identity the native reading language of your customer and have a human professional translate the written texts. When it comes to making your written marketing material effective, no language, not even English, comes close to ruling them all.

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Monday, September 25, 2023

Beware the Jabberwocky – avoiding translation scams


[the Jabberwocky*]

In the wild, faceless world of the Internet, the natural home of freelance translators, lurk monsters called scammers. They expertly solicit work from translators and then seemingly disappear from view as they seek another victim. Their actual financial damage is relatively limited in most cases but they have a significant and negative impact on our trust in others and ourselves. Plain and simple, it hurts to be scammed. Thus, I present some known ways  of identifying potential scam attempts and how to confirm or disconfirm the legitimacy of a translation request.


A.     Email address

Always compare the email address appearing in the email with the email address appearing when moving the curser over the email title in the browser. They must be identical. The suffix .gmail as compared to .com is a sure sign that something is amiss.

B.     Language

With the possible exception of few agencies in China and Spain (in my experience), expect project managers to be able to write the basic sentences of translation requests in proper English. Private clients may have a lower level.

C.      Communication

If the customer is avoiding direct answer to specific questions regarding payment, listen to the warning light in the brain. Something may be far fishier than the reading comprehension ability of the respondent.

Actions to take to verify:

A.     Google-search the address:

Type the email address and the word scam in Google. There are very few brand-new scammers in the sun. The vast majority have been identified before. There are also specific scammer lists for those that have access to them.

B.     Check the official site:

For companies and institutions, it is easy to view the official site and compare details with those in the email.

C.      Contact the customer directly:

Write or call the customer using information on the site and ask for confirmation of the job order.

D.     Demand prepayment:

If you have doubts, insist on full prepayment before starting work, explaining that advance payment is standard practice for new customers. Private individuals are used to paying before receiving goods and services.

It is very important to have a proper perspective regarding scammers. In almost 20 years, I have been scammed once but have identified numerous attempts in time. It is safe to say that such bad apples do not represent the large barrel of customers. So, if you do get burned, emotionally move on quickly as there is basically no way to touch them, unfortunately. To make myself feel better, I choose to believe that there is a special place in hell for those individuals but I could be wrong.  To end on an admittedly irrelevant literary note and quote Lewis Carrol but in regards to avoiding them:

And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?

      Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

      He chortled in his joy.


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